Monday, October 3, 2011


As many of you are aware of, Scotland is a place known for its myths and legends. One of the myths is that swans are enchanted princesses. If that's the case, than the University of Stirling has a lot of drama going on in the loch with the multitude of swans that reside there. 
But my flat mates and I have had more than just sightings of swans on the loch. We decided to go on our own little excursion to the forest behind campus. While we were there, we were shrouded in fog. At times, we couldn't see five feet in front of us. On top of the mist, it was raining. Of course when we left the flat, it wasn't doing anything in town, so I decided that I didn't need a rain jacket. Boy was I wrong and did I ever pay for it. Lucky for me though, my flat mates had my back. Literally. Lauren brought an extra jacket which I donned.

While we wandered through the forest trying to avoid stepping in the puddles that had pooled in the paths, I looked to the left and saw a stone wall higher than my head covered in moss. I turned to the right and saw the same. I could hear the people in front and behind me, but I could not see them. The mist was heaviest here and it was almost like breathing water. It would not have surprised me if a fairy or some other mythical creature popped out from behind a tree.

But alas, no such thing happened.

I did, however, turn to Carin  and say that I felt like I was in a scene from LOTR or on a quest or something fantastical like that. She agreed.

I should probably mention it wasn't just the six of us wandering through the forest behind campus on our own. We were with the Nature Society. So at least 10 other people were there besides us and of those a couple had walked the trails before and knew where they were going. So not as mysterious or adventurous as I would like to imagine. But it was fun nonetheless. And Scotland is just as beautiful if not more so in the rain as it is when it's a beautiful, sunny day.

My flat mates!!


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